Ecwid status

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Some labels in Ecwid control panels display incorrectly
Incident Report for Ecwid
This incident has been resolved.
Posted Sep 14, 2017 - 04:03 UTC
According to our monitoring system, Ecwid control panels function properly for all Ecwid users now.

Your store data is safe and intact and was not affected by the issue. We are very sorry for the temporary downtime.
Posted Sep 14, 2017 - 03:30 UTC
The issue with the incorrect labels in the control panels has been fixed for most users. There are still several accounts with the issue and we're working on rolling out the fix for them as well. Others can use their control panels normally. Further updates on the matter will be posted here.
Posted Sep 14, 2017 - 03:15 UTC
At the moment, we're having the same issue we had a few hours ago — some labels in Ecwid control panels display incorrectly: menu items, buttons names, etc., display internal names of the labels instead of their translations. Our engineers have already found out the reason of the second wave of the issue and are rolling out another fix for it. The current ETA is 30 minutes.

A possible temporary solution is still the same: please attempt to refresh the control panel page a few times to resolve this, as most customers have had luck doing so to correct the issue. Please, mind that you may need to attempt to clear your web browser's cache additionally for further resolution of the issue. Here's an article which describes how to do this in all major browsers:

We are terribly sorry for any trouble caused by this issue! Mind that all your store data will be kept intact and we will be posting updates here.
Posted Sep 14, 2017 - 02:57 UTC